A Beautiful Marriage
"Starts with two people looking to selflessly serve each other so that together they may achieve all of God's purposes He has in store for them!"

La Palma Estate is a Christian wedding venue, owned by FAITH IN ACTION, INC. and we believe that marriage was established by God and that the Bible defines “marriage” as the exclusive covenantal union between a man and a woman in which such union is a lifetime commitment. (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6; Ephesians 5:21-33)
Our hope and prayer for each Bride and Groom is that God would be the glue at the center of their marriage. The definer of Love itself, would be what both spouses would aspire to model towards eachother, in a selfless and sometimes sacrifical way. Following the example of how Christ served and loved the churched, even unto death, has made His life the perfect model to which we can draw tools for the building of our own marriage. He is the most solid Rock, creating an unshakeable foundation to all who would choose to build upon Him.
Here are some resources that we believe are great tools to building a marriage that thrive through every season of life!
"Intentional Steps to Build a Great Marriage."
Our good friends Brad and Heidi Mitchell have weathered many storms in their life and now offer the wisdom God has given them to help couples build a strong marriage that experiences all that God intends in a Christ centered marriage!
Check out all they have to offer here! Build Your Marriage: